What is Windows 7 Error 711?
The error 711 in Windows 7 occurs when one or more required services are disabled. The direct consequence of this error is that your Windows 7 computer will fail to establish a connection with the Internet. Additionally, you may fail to install any network adapters on your computer.
Listed below are three of the services that can generate Windows 7 error 711 if their Startup type is not set to Manual:
- Telephony
- Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
- Remote Access Connection Manager
711 Error Message Dialog Window
An error message similar to the one displayed below is likely to flash on your screen when this error occurs:
Steps to Fix Windows 7 Error 711
To resolve the issue, perform the following steps:
- Click the Windows icon on your taskbar, type “services.msc” in the Start Search box, right-click services, and then click Run as administrator.
- If the User Account Control dialog box appears on your screen, click the Yes button to continue.
- Locate and right-click Remote Access Auto Connection Manager in the right pane of the Services window, and then click Properties.
- Select Manual from the Startup type drop-down menu under the General tab.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
- Click OK to exit Remote Access Auto Connection Manager Properties dialog box.
- Next, locate and right-click Remote Access Connection Manager in the right pane of the Services window, and then click Properties.
- Select Manual from the Startup type drop-down menu under the General tab.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
- Click OK to exit Remote Access Auto Manager Properties dialog box.
- Next, locate and right-click Telephony in the right pane of the Services window, and then click Properties.
- Select Manual from the Startup type drop-down menu under the General tab.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
- Click OK to exit Telephony Properties dialog box.
- Finally, click the File menu in the Service window, and then click Exit to close the Services window.
Your Internet connection should now be working – (if error 711 is the only issue) 🙂